ECA缩写的意思-Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)


  • 【英文缩写】: ECA
  • 【英文全称】: Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • 【中文解释】: Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: ECA 相关英文缩写
以上为Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)英文缩略词ECA的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ECA Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil) Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
ECA Exchange Carrier Association 交换运营商协会
ECA European Cockpit Association 欧洲驾驶舱协会
ECA Electronic Classified Advertising 电子分类广告
ECA European Canoe Association 欧洲独木舟协会
ECA Electric Car Association 电动汽车协会
ECA export credit agency 出口信贷机构


  • ECA Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • AMG Amelogenin蛋白
  • ALT 变更
  • DON 捐赠物
  • CNC ComitÉ National Canadien de la Classification TNM ( French: Canadian National Classification Committee)
  • CNC 加那利群岛国民大会;分离主义团体
  • ALT 海拔高度
  • bal 香脂
  • BEC Bonner Entwicklungswerkstatt fÜr Computermedien (German: Bonn Development Workshop for Computer Media
  • DON 唐纳德
  • BSC 基本的
  • BSC 破产监督局(加拿大破产监督办公室)
  • CNC ComisiÓn Nacional de Comunicaciones (Argentina communications regulatory body)
  • ALT 阿尔托
  • BEC Belgisch Elektrotechnisch ComitÉ (French: Belgian Electrotechnical Commission)